Rebel Without a Brand

Dear Doctor: Everyone is telling me that our firm needs to work on its brand. I’ve heard so much about branding, but I still don’t know exactly what it is. And I have no idea how to build one. Can you help walk me through the process? – Rebel Without a Brand

Ah, my dear Rebel, I think you have just asked the gazillion-dollar question! It seems that everyone is using the B word, and I don’t mean blah! But (another “B” word – did you see what I did there?) not everyone is using the concept of branding the same way. 

Why is that the Doctor wants to know? This is one of the eternal mysteries of the professional world. One secret that I will share with you (shhhhhh!) is that Branding with a capital B is very different for professional services firms—as opposed to consumer products—because you’re not, like, selling a car. You’re selling services. That means it’s your expertise, talent and knowledge that matter most to your clients. You get that, right? It seems pretty obv, but it’s not always clear. 

So, back to your brand. I’ll try to keep it simple: A brand is what defines and differentiates your firm. Big Macs aren’t the only things with a special sauce! You, too, can be saucy! One simple way to describe your brand is your firm’s personality; in other words, the things that make you powerful and compelling—not just making sure that your buildings don’t fall over. For example, are you reliable, nimble, innovative, creative, amicable, serious, or smart? How do you provide what your clients want and need? What kind of clients are you targeting? Because you know what they say: if you’re designing for everyone, you’re designing for no one.

Also remember, ahem, that above all, your brand is your business strategy. You have to be consistent all the time, in any way you communicate: newsletters, blogs, X’s, social media posts and pitches. The Doctor is a phone person, but she doesn’t care how potential clients reach out to you—by phone, text, Insta, LinkedIn, two tin cans joined by a string. Your job is to get them to swipe, tap or click.

Here’s a simple way to do that: Lather up your communications, wash, rinse, repeat. Repetition is reputation. If there’s a great story behind your name, then tell it! An interesting anecdote about a project? Describe it! A wonderful and unexpected outcome? How fun! All of these things reinforce your brand value. Great results don’t just happen—but when you do get them, then you have the Doctor’s permission to rub them in everyone’s face. 

Now, it’s not all about content, although the Doctor does love words. She’s a bit of nerd that way. But she also knows from many, many trips around the sun that presentation is just as important as content. A good brand is nothing without a vibrant suite of graphics. And by vibrant, I mean something that’s catchy, immediately recognizable and reflects who you are. Color, fonts, and logos all matter. You’re design professionals and you have to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. Don’t go changing just to try to please the Doctor, but things can get stale in a hot minute. You might have a good logo, but your typeface is outdated. Your color scheme might be black and blue, but you want to add a pop of color. Whatever. Do it! Change can be good. Not to mention that a little refresh can go a long way. You know that feeling after you get a haircut? Think of that, but much, much better.

Once you have defined your brand and visual identity, get your comms in sync, including visuals and graphics, case studies, awards, press, social media and testimonials. These are all the spokes in your brand wheel. Most of all, you need to get everyone in the firm on board, so they are consistently representing the brand. Remember this: brand is not bland! Take a stand and be in command!