Ready, Set, Logo!

Dear Doctor,

Now that it’s a new year, the leadership of our decades-old firm wants to refresh our brand. We definitely need a different look, there’s no question about it. But it seems that we can go further than that. Our profile is kind of old, and I’m not sure that we stand out from the crowd. How can I convince members of my firm that rebranding is more than just changing our logo?

— Ready-Set-Logo

 Ah, Ready-Set-Logo, you have just asked the Doctor one of her favorite questions! I mean, of course, any question is a good question. If there were no questions, how would the Doctor be able to give answers? Think about it. Anywho, branding is one of those concepts that has as many definitions as the ocean has fish. But the important thing is that you have asked the question. 

To get things rolling, let’s start with the big picture and drill down to the details. It will be like Google Earth, where you zoom in really fast from the sky to the sidewalk—but I’ll try not to make you woozy. First things first. What does it mean when we talk about your brand? Some people think that branding just means your graphics. We can skip over that because you already aced it, Ready! But it’s still very important to update your graphics. Heck, we’ve all seen outdated logos and graphics, and they’re not a pretty sight. 

I like to think of branding as your values and your track record of delivering on those values. ‘Cause you can say that you are amazing—hopefully you are!—but the proof is in the professional services pudding.  And, Ready, you might think your brand is all about you…and it is…and it’s not. If what you’re saying about your firm is not resonating with your clients, you might as well scream into the Grand Canyon and wait for a reply (ok, maybe don’t try that at home). Let me put it another way: it’s often said that your brand is not what you say it is. Instead, it’s what your clients say it is. Ponder that for a sec.

You’re get what I’m saying, though, right? Messaging matters. If you haven’t figured it out by now, the Doctor is a word nerd. A lot of firms confuse branding with what they do, and then they get in the weeds about the kind of services they provide. And you know what? That’s boring. Instead, professional services firms like yours need to lead clients with a big vision of the future, help them find nirvana, and discover the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Meaning that it’s not just the quality of your services that’s important (although that’s important!), but it’s also your knowledge and ideas. The problem is that all of us have like 10-second attention spans because we’re constantly scrolling, clicking, and searching. So, you need to be memorable in all your client interactions—whether personal, digital or virtual. And you need to use that time to reinforce your values and remind people of the things that you do best. I know, it sounds exhausting, but it’s worth it. Just trust the Doctor and do it. 

After you have your message down pat—signed-sealed-delivered it’s yours—then have it with your graphics. If you want to update your logo, go for it. If you want to change the colors of your corporate identity, bring it on. But always maintain a synergy between your graphics and your words. The two go hand-in-hand like peanut butter and jelly. Remember that your logo and graphic identity will be on your marketing collateral including RFP responses, business correspondence, social media, building signage, tote bags, and everything else. So, make sure that your corporate identity authentically reflects the culture of your firm. Additionally, make sure that it can stretch as the firm grows. 

Above all, Ready, your brand is instrumental in creating a unified voice for the firm, leading to differentiation, affinity, and preference in the marketplace. At its core, branding is about building a strong, solid reputation, and there’s absolutely no better selling point than that.