Monthly Archives: July 2024

Jul 19 2024

Listen Before Leading: The Role of Client Feedback in Shaping Your Brand

This week, let’s explore a cornerstone of branding that too often gets overlooked: client feedback. Why does it matter? Because in our industry, the echo of client voices shapes skyscrapers—both literally and metaphorically. At Hausman LLC, we embrace a structured approach to gathering invaluable input through our comprehensive branding questionnaire. This isn’t just any survey; […]

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Jul 11 2024

Consistency is Key: Building a Reputation Through Repetition

Today, I’m diving deep into a topic that may not seem as flashy as innovation or as urgent as deadlines but is crucial to building a strong brand: consistency. Yes, consistency—the secret sauce to creating a brand reputation that sticks. You might be wondering, “What’s so sexy about consistency?” Well, let me tell you, it’s […]

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